Infrastructure plays such an important role in any sport. For Australian Footy ground is one major asset that an academy must have for its trainees and players so that they can train at any time of the day, any day of the week and any month of the year. A well equipped ground with all latest techniques for practice will be available with us soon. This changes an ordinary player to a footy star within a span of time. We look forward to give all facilities equivalent to an international Australian footy stadium in near future..
Right training at right time leads your career to a position from where you taste success only. We always enhance on providing world class training to all our players and trainees by renowned and highly experienced footy players. These trainers are gems of our academy as they make sure that best efforts made by all individuals involved in the training. Organizing workshops by renowned players is a regular practice at our place to keep all our participants motivated. We aspire to create a nursery of players readily available for small, medium and big tournaments played across the state and country.
Always being match-fit and match-ready is so important in this sport era. We make sure that all our players and trainees are up-to date and always ready to play a competitive game of footy. We accomplish this by providing them enough opportunities in the form of tournaments, where they can come, participate and perform to their best caliber. This help us bringing best out of them and shapes an individual to a complete sports person. This approach of ours to expose players to tournaments creates a WIN-WIN Scenario for everyone.